Welcome to Come Back Fit

Coach Trenell

As a certified personal trainer and transformational coach, I understand the journey of navigating loss, chaos, and the search for purpose all too well. Through my own experiences, I've discovered the profound power of guided meditation, journaling, prayer, and intentional living in moving mountains and finding clarity in God's purpose for me.

Now, I'm here to extend that same support and create a safe space for healing and discovering true purpose for women like you. Through our guided meditation practices and transformative techniques, we'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Together, we'll navigate the challenges, uncover inner wisdom, and embrace the divine path that awaits us.

Finding Balance on Your Wellness Journey

Finding balance on a woman's wellness journey can feel like a delicate dance, especially when wearing multiple hats as a mom, student, friend, colleague, wife, boss and daughter. In the midst of juggling various roles and responsibilities, it's crucial to carve out time for self-love and self-transformation.

This journey begins by prioritizing self-care and setting boundaries to ensure that personal needs are met alongside fulfilling obligations to others. It involves embracing imperfection, letting go of unrealistic expectations, and practicing self-compassion. Through mindfulness practices, intentional time management, and seeking support from loved ones, women can cultivate a sense of balance that nurtures their well-being while honoring their diverse roles in life.

By prioritizing self-love and self-transformation, women empower themselves to show up authentically in all aspects of their lives, creating a harmonious equilibrium that fosters fulfillment and growth.We provide tailored guidance and empowering resources to help you navigate through the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Let us join you in finding the equilibrium between your daily commitments and self-care routines. Together, we can cultivate a balanced and sustainable approach to wellness that fits seamlessly into your life.

"True transformation begins within, fueled by these pillars of wellness."

Emotional Mental Physical

Spiritual Financial

Pillars of Wellness

Through these pillars, we empower women to be intentional with their lives, find fulfillment, and embark on a journey of self-love, transformation, and guidance towards their true selves. Using the 5 pillars of wellness is a great way to use as the foundation for holistic growth and purposeful living.